Dear Friends,
As we gather with loved ones this Thanksgiving, I am reminded of the many blessings we share as individuals, families, and as South Carolinians. This holiday offers us an opportunity to pause and reflect on the gifts of freedom, faith, and community that enrich our lives.
As a Christian, I believe Thanksgiving is not only a time to express gratitude for material blessings but also to give thanks to God for His unending grace and mercy. It is only through His providence that we are able to meet the challenges before us and remain steadfast in our principles.
As your representative in the Statehouse, I am deeply thankful for the trust you have placed in me to stand for liberty and uphold the values that make our state strong. Our commitment to individual freedom, limited government, and personal responsibility is a testament to the enduring spirit of our community.
“When we get to heaven, there will be an uninhibited response to be grateful. Gratitude is a form of praising God. Like hydrogen and oxygen are two components of water, gratefulness for God and praise to God are two inseparable expressions of our worship of God”
Let us also take a moment to thank God for all He has done for us. My friend Rick Thomas says it well: “When we get to heaven, there will be an uninhibited response to be grateful. Gratitude is a form of praising God. Like hydrogen and oxygen are two components of water, gratefulness for God and praise to God are two inseparable expressions of our worship of God”
May this Thanksgiving bring you and your family joy, peace, and a renewed sense of hope for the future. Thank you for the privilege of serving you.
With gratitude,
Stephen Frank
South Carolina House of Representatives, District 20