


Your rights come from God, and the first order of government is to protect and uphold those rights.

Stephen Frank

Stephen Frank is a fearless conservative ready to take on the swamp and corrupt uniparty. With unwavering principles and a commitment to true conservative values, he’s determined to bring accountability and integrity back to our government. Say goodbye to political games and folding to the Left’s demands because Stephen is here to fight for the people, not the powerful special interests.

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Dr. Bob Jones III

“FRANKLY speaking Stephen FRANK is the man we conservatives can depend on to represent us in Columbia with Christian integrity and dependability.”

John Warren and South Carolina’s Conservative Future

“More than ever before, South Carolina needs leaders who will fight for the taxpayers, hold government accountable, and uphold the Republican Party platform. That’s exactly what these candidates will do.” – John Warren

Adam Morgan

Current Representative, SC House District 20

Candidate, 4th Congressional District

Stand For Health Freedom

Stand for Health Freedom supports candidates who make and support policy to protect and expand individual and family choice in matters of personal health. We believe Stephen Frank will defend and expand these rights for South Carolina residents.

Palmetto Gun Rights

Republican candidate Stephen Frank filled out his Palmetto Gun Rights Candidate Survey 100% pro-gun and went on the record to protect your Second Amendment rights!

Republican Liberty Caucus

The Times Examiner

The Times Examiner Endorses Stephen Frank for SC State House District 20.


WYFF News 4 Interview


Fix the Roads

Fix the Roads

The money is there to provide the roads and bridges we need. It’s just being wasted. Big dollar contracts are passed out like trick-or-treat candy on Halloween to pave roads that go nowhere. We’re being taxed specifically for our roads—and yet they’re crumbling like pie crust. We need to make the DOT a cabinet position that’s accountable to the governor. Until that happens, we’ll have to keep dodging potholes.

Judicial Reform

Judicial Reform

South Carolina is one of two states where judges are selected by the legislature. Allowing lawyer-legislators, many of them criminal defense attorneys, to select the judges they will later argue their cases in front of is a serious conflict of interest. Its time to adopt a federal model of judicial selection like the one outlined in the US constitution.

Advancing Upcountry Values

Advancing Upcountry Values

The radical left has infiltrated our schools, poisoned our children, and are tearing apart the very fabric of America. Playing defense against their poisoned ideology isnt enough. Its time conservatives go on the offensive.

End Income Tax

End Income Tax

By eliminating the income tax, we can stimulate organic economic growth, create jobs, let citizens keep more of their own money, and attract new businesses naturally without having to bribe them with taxpayer money. Taxation is theft, and its time we stop stealing our people’s money.

End Corporate Welfare

End Corporate Welfare

Career politicians beholden to corrupt lobbyists and special interests are addicted to taking money from tax-payers and giving it to private corporations. Corporate welfare schemes must end. Government has no role in picking winners and losers in a free market economy. And they usually pick the losers anyway. Its time we stop this cronyism.

Tort Reform

Tort Reform

South Carolina’s small businesses are being crushed by unjust litigation. A change is  SC law several years ago provides the ability for plaintiffs to sue even when a business isnt responsible for damages, leaving small businesses on the hook for millions of dollars they shouldnt owe. Insurance carriers have fled the state, forcing many venues, restaurants, and others businesses to close. SC depends on tourism and the restaurant industry. It’s time for tort reform.

Raised in Greenville County, Stephen had a typical Upcountry childhood. His mom was a teacher at Bob Jones Elementary School, where Stephen attended before eventually graduating from K5 – college. He’s an Eagle Scout and developed a love for bluegrass music, which he enjoys playing on the guitar and mandolin.

Stephen is a business owner. (He inherited his entrepreneurial spirit from his grandparents; his grandmother even owned a chain of successful drive-in movie theatres in the 1970s). He founded and is the principal at Magnolia Risk Solutions, a commercial insurance agency that helps businesses manage risk.

Stephen met his wife, Jessica Crawford, back in sixth grade. They began dating as young adults and married in 2010. Jessica keeps busy homeschooling their son Jackson and daughters Addison, Emmy Lou, and Ellie Mae. The Franks are members at and actively involved in Ridgewood Church in Greer. The kids all share their dad’s love of music, and like playing with the family’s adopted shelter puppy “Hampton.”

When he has time, Stephen enjoys hiking, camping, hunting, and fishing—anything that allows him to indulge his love of the outdoors.